Guild info

Foundations of Earth

Guild ID: Foundations of Earth
Founder Name: Remnant1994
Date Founded: 2022-11-29
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 1,198,989
Death Fame: 5,153,111
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 55 from 165 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

283 Members
Name KillFame
Pops57 0
Samirestal 0
Heactor 0
Dangam3s 0
Vixen02 0
BluWitch 0
Reknaton 0
Gachimuchided 0
wiwor 0
Yilthe 0
Ashfy 0
KratosOfSparta0 0
Triky07 0
BumBalas 0
FahadAhmed 0
WerdnaXVI 0
MaxChin 0
StylexHairPolish 0
EmoAsd 0
NightmarePixie 0
Lomvix 0
Magnawrath 0
IjotSora 0
AngelosBriggs 0
RyumaIce 0
Nanoyts 0
Matajusz 0
JacobGuyBarlow 0
Lexi937 0
Vellicia 0
MarkHavoc 0
MengChai 0
Harrold2k 0
Bigmama112 0
Ofblan 0
itzhuner 0
LucasBarlow25 0
BlazeingShadow 0
TravMack 0
ProperFrog 0
zryansardar1 0
ReignCrossfade 0
xZarzi 0
Houghey 0
Yellowhair2 0
maksiemus 0
Iskkander 0
Friday300 0
Relmia5566 0
Maramec 0
Burningking5129 0
Guunvaldrr 0
LordTorinFergus 0
Ashbringer20 0
JackDRJustice 0
Fermonious 0
Xenoenn 0
Deadbettle 0
Pilki1 0
FahmiLordLunar 0
dethym 0
Ydrakkar 0
CheeseTo3 0
Linoe 0
Yggdorm 0
Jackson2032 0
LunarBeebo 0
makekh 0
Willyotea 0
Avernue 0
KIRK9393 0
Glitchkrieg 0
Doncocoliso 0
Wilson0606 0
Lerhes 0
Adulfbirwick 0
BrainyGoat 20,155
kheanuIV 0
Algraz 0
bellzeoo 0
Hortonian 0
Kinadien 0
Altriste 0
TornavidaNecla 0
Slanal 0
Xytira 0
Tfer29 0
NayrIV 0
Ollom12 0
YardSaleJesus 0
Testure 0
Paaaaanda 0
GrumpySnarf 0
lesmondo 0
TravisNg 0
Kakuyobai 0
GameEnd39 0
Moiiuk 0
DeathTrooper5764 0
KozekiUi 0
Wide0lpro 0
Drashkir 0
Diblah78 0
Qloudn9ne 0
Bubadoa 0
lolalrk 0
Monochromia 0
Ragalinkz 0
Absenthearted 0
Lumencraft0705 0
Treephon 0
schun1 0
Titaw 0
GlennQuandale798 0
helehalaba 0
makbru 0
ButterStick69 0
Nefff1 0
Kaiserslautren 0
AJS2 0
Fgrtfi 0
Tytaz 0
Souljas 0
SilverMelody 0
GentleGago 0
MarkusLusting 0
DJO007 0
DTGod 0
Zeusiath 0
Rekabaker93 0
Evamo 0
ConflagWex 0
BeKindRewind 0
Bunneh2 0
Himura23 0
Silver106 0
ThatNameIsAlread 0
trandalfox 0
Nardonian 0
Neseuk 0
YbotYenehc 0
Seeksrage 0
Flippy119 0
XxSpadesxX 0
Crispah 0
Lisasiphone 0
Mysticaria 0
ArkanFay 0
JackGamezz 0
thebestall360 0
Ashtaron 0
pawgvipera 0
DataGin 0
WhoCaresAboutNam 0
lira232 0
RebootRy 0
Gawi368 0
Brukne8 0
Doggbless 0
plagueisDwise 0
rrt22 0
Orinmer 0
Zinsara 0
Porphyri 0
minde90 0
derlnn 0
OakDruid 0
pilsburry 0
YamatoLanga 0
SilentkillerBGA 0
Siennera 0
Jedymrs 0
blundor 0
Devesh1234 0
Oddball254 0
waterisgood22 0
dasofk 0
Tozzh 0
Yarrwyck 0
Degradauskas 0
Snoopy88 0
Avalon7030 0
Remnant1994 0
Meatmonger 0
JellyForm 0
1Kayen 0
AllyRoster 0
Kharg7 0
shlquar 0
sunil11 0
BrandonSam 0
addam577 0
ChantereIIe 0
Azira003 0
SirMarksAlot 0
BarberBooker 0
JoeBruhman 0
JeanDeVallette80 0
deisolated 0
OhnlyDin 0
Adelinu 0
Mentor06 0
piplfoks 0
Moridoria 0
Elthornne 0
RuizuBolt 0
LolaBoukova 0
Davidgam23 0
Martythesecond 0
TheEagerFarmer 0
m6o 0
PandaGangsta 0
turtlemnrcks 0
Xinconnu 0
McSqueezie 0
CarpenterJesus 0
Aigroeg 0
Civiokas 0
colombinez 0
Jilve69 0
TankkZ1 0
sipogaming 0
HieuDiTop 0
ForZezima 0
kingdo7h 0
BallZ2DaWallZz 0
arf18 0
MrK11lPo1nt 0
RoloCholo 0
Eliza2319 0
Agnasha 0
ScrollMore 0
jstar999 0
TobiasOhlsson 0
0Kirishima0 0
Nelirene 0
Torvi85 0
Rezsan 0
Ragwa 0
GothRatSewers 0
Gaia100 0
OliMaras 0
halo1722 0
DoiveStar 0
kritsanut 0
Johnx101 0
GrillerGrizz 0
Felixqzd 0
Scycah 0
Jack3599 0
AnderTrollthane 0
Xearona 0
Noctrl 0
Cunak 0
OliveCox 0
tiptoponetwo 0
RephaimBlack 0
Oldbooba 0
Freyja2552 0
HqPolar 0
PlayMeCroow 29,292
Killingfields 0
Edicruse 0
Gather4Lyfe 0
ScytheMain 0
Madfrejen 0
ErebosCS 0
BlackC0ssack 0
Tall0ne 0
TateAndrew 0
Raidenkage 0
Lef1er 0
ImLadyBoy 0
TheChadster02 0
Silariz 0
OnDspktrm 0
WolfieDana 0

Previous Guild Members

143 Previous